Looking for an opportunity to kickstart your business idea? Well, the city of Nashville in Tennessee comprises several business resources and the tools you need to make your small business thrive. If all you need is a networking opportunity, business advice, or maybe financial support, you can get it in the City of Nashville. Of course, finding these resources is never an easy task. But there are some tips you can use to get to the top. Read this article for more details about the business opportunities, benefits, and grants for women in Nashville, Tennessee. Happy reading.
Nashville Special Events for Women in Business
In the City of Nashville, you find all the kinds of events to spice up your business idea. It doesn’t matter what development stage you are at. All that matters is your passion to get to where you want to be in the future. What are your business goals? Are you planning to expand your business? What products and services are you looking to offer in the next five years? How do you know the right services to offer? Are you willing to expand your network? Do you need business partners? How do you get in touch with them? Want to increase your workspace? What must you do to achieve your goals? The networking events in the City of Nashville will answer all your questions, let alone connecting you with other successful businesswomen out there. Some of these special events in the City include:
- Nashville Female Entrepreneur Mastermind Event. About this event? If you are looking for a new experience with other female entrepreneurs, this event will suit you best. Stuck somewhere and looking for a place to start over? With the Nashville Female Entrepreneur Mastermind event, you can always reach the top of the ladder. You can scale your business or start afresh through this event. Now, that is something you don’t want to miss, if gaining more confidence and clarity that you can do it is all you need. this event will connect you with the right tools to scale your business by assuming a new role. Learn the obstacles to making your business thrive. What exactly is keeping you from achieving your goals? You will get to learn the common obstacles to making it happen through this event. Now, that is what you need for success. Find out more at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nashville-female-entrepreneur-mastermind-event-tickets-134664807063?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.
- Networking for Women Over 35. This special event allows women over 35 to come together, share their experiences, network, and achieve professional growth. Here, women meet at least once a month to discuss some important topics that lead to both personal and professional growth. Want to register and become a member? Well, why don’t you visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/march-lets-whine-about-it-networking-for-women-over-35-tickets-142141893229?aff=ebdssbdestsearch and get started?
- Digital Marketing for Real Estate Agents Workshop and Lunch. Want to improve your digital marketing skills? Learn the value of Facebook and other social media platforms in the success of your business. Through this event, you will learn how to create or maintain a Facebook Business Page, what to post for the audience to see, and when to post your content. Get to learn about ads, how to engage customers online, understanding analytics. Find out more at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/digital-marketing-for-real-estate-agents-workshop-and-lunch-tickets-146411766535?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.
Nashville Business Assistance Office
The Nashville Business Assistance Office is always the first stop for women entrepreneurs looking for opportunities to grow their small businesses. The office provides businesswomen with the tools and resources they need to help make a difference in the highly competitive marketplace. Support services including funding opportunities, consulting, and technical assistance to help female business owners make an informed decision concerning the future of their business. For more information, please visit https://www.nashville.gov/Finance/Procurement/Business-Assistance-Office.aspx.
Metro Nashville Office of Women & Minority Enterprise
This office is available to help disadvantaged small businesses like those belonging to women and other minority groups like African Americans. Facing challenges running your business? Need contracting opportunities? Do you want to relocate or open a branch somewhere? The office is there to listen and take action to the common challenges business women face in their everyday operations. To qualify for the support, the business must be at least 51% owned by a woman or someone from the minority groups. For more details, please visit https://www.pathwaywbc.org/resources/metro-nashville-office-of-women-minority-enterprise/.
Governor’s Office of Diversity Business Enterprise (Go-DBE)
Go-DBE is there to support the small businesses owned by women and veterans to take advantage of the procurement opportunities in Tennessee by registering for certification. Small business certification exposes you to more entrepreneurial opportunities, including government contracts and funding opportunities to support the growth of your business. Wondering where to register for the certification? Well, visit the Governor’s Office of Diversity Business Enterprise. For more details, please visit https://www.pathwaywbc.org/resources/governors-office-of-diversity-business/.
Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZone)
The purpose of the HUBZone program is to promote economic development and help generate more job opportunities in areas considered to be historically underutilized. How does the program work? the program supports the growth of women-owned small businesses in these areas by providing them contracting opportunities. Learn more about the program at https://www.pathwaywbc.org/resources/historically-underutilized-business-zone-hubzone/.
Pathway WBC
Pathway WBC provides many opportunities for female entrepreneurs both starting an enterprise and those with already established and running businesses in the City of Nashville. The organization provides entrepreneurial education to women at any stage of business development. They want to make sure they meet the needs of every female business owner. Look, there are everyday challenges in businesses. You don’t have to go through this alone. That is Pathway WBC gives you a chance of working together with other female entrepreneurs to help make a difference in your business life. Join the Pathway Cohort at https://www.pathwaywbc.org/membership/cohort-levels/ and get to know the right strategies to employ in your daily operation, coming with a viable business plan, and how to make financial decisions and increase cash flow. The organization also offers a mentorship program to women who own already established businesses. The program is designed to help you overcome the specific challenges you go through in your daily business operations. See the program details at https://www.pathwaywbc.org/ignite360/. Want to help fellow women entrepreneurs out there? Share your professional expertise with the rest of the works and strengthen small businesses for a better tomorrow. Learn more at https://www.pathwaywbc.org/.