For women, starting and growing your enterprise can be challenging, yet exciting. Arranging all the resources you need to put your idea into something great is never easy, without some support system. That is why the City of Moreno Valley provides business resources and tools to help you get started and work towards your success. Looking for somewhere to get started with your entrepreneurial journey? The City of Moreno Valley can be the best opportunity for you to start and run your business successfully. Read this article to find out more.
Start-Up MoVal
Ever thought about starting your own business and becoming your boss? Ready to get started? Well, the Start-Up MoVal is ready to help out with the tools and resources to successfully start and run your business in the city of Moreno Valley. Having an amazing idea but wondering where to start? You don’t have to worry. at Start-Up MoVal, you can always get the help you need to turn your idea into something great. Find out more about the program at
Starting a Business in The City of Moreno Valley
The Department of Economic Development will help you get through the process of starting a business in the City of Moreno Valley. Want to make your dream a reality? Well, why do you follow these simple steps to get started?
- Develop a Business Plan. Your business plan should be well-structured and organized. To come up with a winning business plan, you need to keep in mind the challenges and obstacles new women-owned businesses go through. This is how you will be able to develop effective strategies that will lead to success. Before you start drafting your business, you need to be able to answer some questions. What problems does your company seek to solve? Who are you are your competitors? What makes you stand out? Who are your customers? what type of business are you interested in? which products and services are you looking to sell to your customers? once you answer all these questions, you can then develop a well-researched business plan that clearly outlines how your business will be operated and managed.
- Choose a Business Structure. What type of business structure does want to adopt? Want to become a sole proprietor? A limited liability company? A corporation? Of course, there are pros and cons to each of these business structures. To pick the right business structure, you need to at least sit down with an attorney for legal advice. Visit to find out more information about each of the business structures.
- Register Your Business. The location and structure of your business will determine how you register your enterprise. Some women-owned small businesses may be easier to register than others. You have to make sure you register your business unless you want to miss out on the tax and legal benefits. have you chosen a business name for your business? Please visit To register your business, visit
- Obtaining license and permits. Once you register your business, you need to obtain licensing for your business. Visit for information on the City’s business license. Please note that some types of businesses will require more than one license to operate smoothly in the City of Moreno Valley. What about permits? Are you building a new structure for business or making improvements to an existing structure? Then you need a building permit.
- Choosing the Right Location. Make sure you are choosing the right location for your business. What factors should you consider when determining the right location for your business? Consider zoning, demographics, and the existing building regulations in the city.
- Business Financing. Are you looking for funds to start a business or expand an already existing enterprise? You can always make use of the available funding programs. You can always seek funding from traditional banks, investors, and crowdfunding.
- Hiring employees. The Employment Resource Center of the City of Moreno Valley will help you gather qualified and talented employees for your business.
For more information about starting your business in the City of Moreno Valley, please visit
The Business & Employee Resource Center (BERC)
Looking to hire the best talent to achieve your business success? BERC is a resource center that provides women-owned businesses with a talented workforce to support their business growth. It is advisable to hire employees within the City of Moreno Valley. The goal of this resource center is to generate more employment opportunities in the City and help women entrepreneurs succeed in the careers. They strive to achieve their mission through conducting advertisements for recruitment, providing support with job interviews, and holding job fairs. BERC also connect women-owned business with the incentives they need for job training. Find out more about BERC at
The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
SCORE is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide entrepreneurial education and support the growth of women-owned businesses. SCORE works in collaboration with the U.S. Small Business Administration to make this work best for women entrepreneurs and to achieve economic development in the City of Moreno Valley. SCORE also provides free business mentoring to women business founders and they hold various workshops and webinars to help sharpen women entrepreneurs’ skills. Visit for more details.
AMPA is an SBA-certified non-profit organization that is dedicated to providing financial education to women business founders through workshops. The topics covered include financial literacy, how to secure business financing, what loan programs to focus on, and the best way to prepare a balanced sheet. To learn more about the AMPAC’s services and workshops, please visit
IE-SBDC focuses on providing business workshops designed to support the growth and development of businesses in the City of Moreno Valley. Are you just starting a business? Do you have an idea but don’t know where to start? Do you need support to grow your enterprise? Well, it doesn’t matter. The IE-SBDC can always provide you with the information you need to achieve your dreams through their workshops. Topics covered include, starting a new business, email marketing, financing, and social media management. For more details, please visit