The City of Buffalo has resources to help women entrepreneurs thrive in the business world. That is why it comprises programs and services that provide business opportunities, benefits, and grants for women to enable them to achieve success.
Starting a Business in the City of Buffalo
Having a great business idea that you are willing to launch and turn into a successful venture? Well, in the City of Buffalo, you will learn how to make your business ownership dream come true. Before you even begin the process, there certain things you have to put not consideration. For instance, have you undergone any kind of training on procurement? Are you aware of any resources to help you get started and where to get them? Are you familiar with the legal requirements in the City of Buffalo for starting a business? Where will you source funding to launch your business idea? Once you have the answer to all these questions, then you can think of beginning the process of launching your business and turning it into a successful venture. Visit to see what is expected of you before you start your venture in the City of Buffalo.
The steps to starting a business in the City of Buffalo
By now, you are familiar with all the requirements and what it takes to start a business. It is time to get started with the process. Follow these steps to start a successful business venture:
Develop a viable business plan. Why a business plan? A business plan explains your intentions and the purpose of your business. In your business plan, ensure you include a well-structured marketing plan that explains how you will market your services; what strategies are you planning to use? How will you manage your business? How will you improve your business visibility? Who are your competitors and how are you planning to outshine them in the marketplace? Your business plan should also give information about financing. Include your legal documents in the business plan.
Seek Technical Support. Once your business plan is ready, you need to seek the available technical support resources to get started. Some of them are the Buffalo Urban League, SCORE, and Small Business Administration.
Site Selection. You need to select a business location, depending on the type of business. Are customers able to reach you? Is competition stiff in that area? Select somewhere you can create a strong customer base and where competition is not too high. Be familiar with the land regulations for that location. Need help with site selection? Invest Buffalo Niagara can help you get through the process
Financing. After successfully selecting a suitable location for your business operations, it is time to source for funding. Consider your business needs to select the best financing option. Some of the sources of small business financing in the City of Buffalo include traditional banks, Buffalo Urban League, and Community Development Financial Institutions, such as PathStone Enterprise Center. How can you get access to a business loan in the City of Buffalo? provides information on how to source business loans.
Business Licensing. Ensure you seek the right licensing for your business. Please note that certain types of businesses may require more than one license to operate smoothly in the City of Buffalo. For more details about business licensing in Buffalo, please visit
Zoning Check. Ensure your business is situated in parts of the City allowed for commercial purposes. Your business must only operate in buildings zoned for that particular activity. Please reach out to the Zoning Department to check if you are located in the right zone. For this to work best for you, select at least three zones and check with the Zoning Department which one(s) are suitable for the type of business you are starting in the City of Buffalo. In some cases, the City provides special permits for buildings not zoned for your business type. Find out if you need a special permit to operate in the location of your choice.
For more details about getting started with your business, please visit
Growing your Business in the City of Buffalo
There are many organizations helping women entrepreneurs grow their businesses once they establish them. To grow your business successfully, you will need to have access to services, including mentoring and counseling, financing, human resources, among others. There are organizations dedicated to guiding you through every stage of business development to help you achieve success. Find out more about growing your business in the City of Buffalo at
The City of Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency (BURA)
BURA is another resource center dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment where women entrepreneurs can thrive and affect the economic development of the City of Buffalo. BURA helps women-owned businesses come up with proper planning, financing options, and empowering them to achieve their dreams. They also help them develop partnerships to help promote economic change. Find out more at
Buffalo Niagara Partnership (BNP)
The Buffalo Niagara Partnership is dedicating to supporting the growth of the City’s economy and the expansion of women-owned businesses. The partnerships work to achieve their mission by running programs and initiatives that focus on the generation of employment opportunities and new investments in the City of Buffalo. The partnership works in collaboration with other organizations and programs to help women-owned businesses have access to the resources and tools they need to achieve success. Some of the major partners include Buffalo Export Assistance Center and the Buffalo Employment Training Center. For more details, please visit
Buffalo Urban Development Corporation (BUDC)
The Buffalo Urban Development Corporation (BUDC) is a non-profit development agency that focuses on creating an environment that supports investments by attracting new business and assisting the existing ones to thrive. The corporation strives to achieve its mission of supporting urban economic development through the management of distressed and abandoned properties and real estate development to turn them into commercial use by women entrepreneurs. The organization offers funding resources to finance projects working to redevelop underutilized properties and encourage new and existing female entrepreneurs to make use of them. Find out more at