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Business Opportunities, Benefits, and Grants for Women in Santa Clarita, California

Want to start your small business in the City of Santa Clarita? The City supports women-owned businesses that strive to achieve success by offering the resources to help them reach their maximum potential. Keep reading this article for more details about the available business resources for women entrepreneurs within the City of Santa Clarita. Happy reading…

Why Choose the City of Santa Clarita for Business?

There are several reasons why the City of Santa Clarita is the best option to start and grow your business. One, the City has a guide to all women entrepreneurs to help them start a small business. The purpose of the guide to opening a small business is to help you operate successfully as per the city’s regulations and requirements. Visit to access the guide. Secondly, the city of Santa Clarita does not require a business license or permits to operate an enterprise. That makes it easy for both potential and existing women entrepreneurs to start and run successful businesses in the City. Thirdly, the City offers you space to operate your activities. The City manages a One-Stop Permit Center, which is focused on providing women-business owners and entrepreneurs with a convenient location to start their building process. Find out more at Please visit for more details.

Green Santa Clarita

Want to help create a sustainable green business environment in the City of Santa Clarita? Well, Green Santa Clarita is an organization whose aim is to help women business owners maintain a sustainable green-friendly business environment. Some of the programs include:

Business Energy Advisor. This program focus on supporting women-owned business in making informed decisions about energy-efficiency by making use of the recommendations to help save cost in energy. Read more at

Savings by Design. Are you looking to construct a new building or improve an existing structure for commercial purposes? Well, Savings By Design Program will help you design your businesses as you wish, depending on the type and nature f your enterprise. Find out more at

Green Restaurant Certification Program

Are you a restaurant owner? Well, have you ever thought of managing your wastes or employing strategies for energy efficiency in your firm? It is time you put that into consideration for the sake of your customers and your business. A green restaurant certification program ensures your business is thoroughly assessed to achieve a green environment where other businesses can survive. The program also provides consulting services, education, and marketing to help women restaurant owners maintain a clean environment. Find out more at

Santa Clarita Chamber of Commerce

The Santa Clarita Chamber of Commerce is the voice of women-owned businesses. The chamber was established in 1923 to support women-owned businesses through education and connecting women entrepreneurs with the tools and resources they need to achieve success. The chamber envisions achieving economic growth by fostering an engaged and focused business community in the city of Santa Clarita. The chamber provides networking opportunities to help empower women and strengthen their skills in entrepreneurship. Want to become a member of the chamber and enjoy the vast business network? Please join at For more details, please visit

Valley Industrial Association

Valley Industrial Association (VIA) supports women entrepreneurs by helping them connect with the resources they need to start their businesses or relocate to the City of Santa Clarita. Once you become a member of VIA, you are entitled to certain benefits, including collaborating with other CEOs in coming up with solutions to business and community problems. You will also have access to networking opportunities where you can meet your potential customers and attend special events like luncheons to interact with other successful women entrepreneurs in the City and beyond. Through this association, you will get access to employee training opportunities to help provide a qualified workforce for the success of your business. You can obtain business information through email blasts to stay up to date with current trends. Find out more at

Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation

The Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation is a center that connects women entrepreneurs with the resources, including help with licensing and business permitting, marketing, recruiting, employee training, and incentives to help them achieve their big dreams in business. The corporation runs projects that help women business owners through the process of site selection and other tools to enable them to thrive in the competitive marketplace. Read more at

The City of Santa Clarita’s Economic Development Division

The Economic Development Division works to assist women-owned businesses to thrive in the City of Santa Clarita. By connecting women entrepreneurs with business support programs and helping them get through the process of successfully doing business with the city, the division ensures their enterprise achieves success. Read more at

Innovate Santa Clarita

Innovate Santa Clarita supports women entrepreneurs in the tech industry who are looking to make great changes in the industry with their innovative ideas. Santa Clarita is known for leading in innovation and technology and its passion for helping businesses in the same industry thrive by making resources available for them. Through the business incubator program, Innovate Clarita continues to provide opportunities that instill creativity and entrepreneurship skills in women. Please visit for more details.

Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

The City of Santa Clarita’s Small Business Development Center is dedicated to helping women-owned businesses thrive. The center provides help through workshops, training, and business consulting services. The center also helps women entrepreneurs to come up with effective business management strategies and financial advice to help them start and grow their businesses. Find out more at

Doing Business with the City of Santa Clarita

The City of Santa Clarita and Periscope S2G works in collaboration to help provide equal contracting opportunities to women-owned businesses. They ensure they make advertisements about the city’s solicitations. You can always register with Periscope to get updates about the available city projects or bids. You will not be charged for receiving these services. There are no costs for registering as the city’s vendor or for receiving information about available contracting opportunities. Please visit if you are having any more questions.

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